BMW is Testing 8-Series Convertible in Death Valley

If you ever want to test your car’s cooling system, we suggest Death Valley. Because it is lower than sea-level, the scorching temperatures will push your radiator and water pump harder than any other location. That is why BMW has released a few camouflaged shots of their 8-Series convertible testing out Californee-way.

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Roughly half-way between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, Death Valley is only 85 miles from the highest mountain outside of Alaska. Mount Whitney is 14,505 feet above sea level, and the drive between them can be torture on any car. The press release mentions other highlights for the Bavarian Engineers included the Hoover Dam, cruising the Vegas Strip, and cruising the Pacific Coast Highway.

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The trip began by parking the new convertible under the blazing sun while monitoring every system for signs of stress. To test the shielding of the electronics, it was then placed under the step-up transformers at the Hoover Dam. The car was not affected by 2,000 Megawatts buzzing around it, so it was time to see that power to good use.

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The glitz and glamour of Las Vegas is a perfect place to test an urban setting, with Stop & Go traffic punishing the team. Working with the other engineers in Miramas, France and at the ‘Ring, BMW is making sure this new drop-top arrives without compromise. If you can’t wait, click the link below to find a 6-Series near you and stay with us for all your BMW news.

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