Coby Persin’s Gold BMW i8 Smashed With Bat by Angry Guy

YouTuber Coby Persin has bought himself a BMW i8 and wrapped it in a shiny gold wrap for all to see. He’s been showing off the car quite a bit, but his latest outing in the car “seemed” to go wrong…very wrong.

Persin and a friend decided they wanted to do a photoshoot on what looks like the streets of NYC, so they blocked traffic and posted up on the hood of the i8. If you’ve ever been to a city as busy as NYC, you know that this is a terrible, terrible idea.

(Related – Audi R8 Crashes and Flips, Still Wins Race)

While they were waiting to get their photo taken, an angry man came up behind them with a bat and smashed the window of the BMW, leaving a massive dent. You can see the whole thing in the video below.

This might have been shocking to watch, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this were to come out as fake. If you’ve ever watched an h3h3Productions video, you know that a lot of these pranksters are known to fake some of their pranks, goofs and gaffs. What do you guys think? Real or fake?

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