Bugatti Unveils 3D Printed Titanium Exhaust

When it comes to building a work of art, no expense is spared. That’s why engineers in Alsace have developed a new process to build the lightest, strongest, and gorgeous parts for their cars. Using a quartet of 400-watt lasers, Bugatti has unveiled 3D printed titanium exhaust.

To meet their own lofty goals, the exhaust and tailpipe trim for the Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport and the Chiron Super Sport 300. With a wall thickness of 0.015″ at the thinnest point, they are made of 4,200 layers of titanium powder capable of handling the heat of the 8-liter beast.

Rated to run at 1,200 degrees for hours would amaze the builders of the SR-71 Blackbird, so that’s why a new Chiron needs to be in your garage. This is just one detail of how Bugatti stays at the top of their game, so click the link below to find yours.

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