Evan Cygler Wins Bugatti’s Best Performing Brand Manager 2 Years In A Row

06 BUGATTI Evan Cygler

Image Source: Bugatti

Bugatti honors continuous excellence on behalf of its brand.

There are few names quite as distinguished as Bugatti in the automotive industry. However, the brand’s incredible reputation has been earned thanks to Bugatti’s dealership network and the service that they provide to clients all over the world. Each year, Bugatti honors its most successful and excellent partners through its Bugatti Sales Excellence program. This year, the winner of Best Performing Brand Manager was Evan Cygler. Winning the award for the 2022 year, this is actually the second consecutive year that the Brand Manager earned the distinction.

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Bugatti’s Managing Director, Hendrik Malinowski, says that Cylger and his team reflect Ettore Bugatti’s famous quote, saying that “If comparable, it is no longer Bugatti.” As part of Bugatti’s reward for Cygler, he will get the exclusive opportunity to participate in Bugatti’s 400 Drive, an experience in which he will get to drive a Bugatti Chiron Super Sport at over 400 kmh (roughly 250 mph) in Cape Canaveral, Florida, after a training session with a Bugatti professional driver. With such high standards for a historic and coveted brand, standing out as Bugatti’s most excellent Brand Manager is meeting quite a high bar, and Evan Cygler has done it twice.

Source: Bugatti

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