The Trump Lamborghini Aventador: Trumpventador

Today we learned that Donald Trump would be the 45th President of the United States. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get political in here, I just want to show you a Lamborghini Aventador turned into a Trumpventador.

(Related – Donald Trump’s Lamborghini Diablo is Up for Sale)

The Trumpventador was actually part of the the goldRush Rally 8, hence the “Make America Gr8 Again” slogan on the car. What’s funny is that Jason Thorgalsen even took the Trumpventador to the White House for a few photos. And now, Trump will actually be making his own way to the White House in 2017.

Check out the videos below to see the Trumpventador in action for yourself and I want to thank everyone who got out and voted yesterday, regardless of who they voted for.

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