Bugatti of the Americas Receives a New Leader

Hard work pays off, and its great to see a friend finally get rewarded for years of leadership in the exotic car world. That’s why we’re proud to announce that Bugatti of the Americas has received a new boss.

In a press release moments ago, Cedric Davy was named as the new Chief. The headline from Molsheim: ” With effect immediately, Cedric Davy is the new Head of Bugatti of the Americas. He will report to the Bugatti headquarters in Molsheim. In this function, Davy succeeds Maurizio Parlato, who after six years with the French hypercar manufacturer resigned from the company for personal reasons.

Christian Mastro, Bugatti Board Member for Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Licensing: “In Cedric Davy we have the ideal replacement from within Bugatti of the Americas. With his experience in the industry in general and with Bugatti, in particular, he will be up to speed in no time.”

All Bugatti fans should be as excited as we are because Cedric has the foresight and a skillset that is unique among the automotive top brass. Literally starting at the bottom, we have partnered with him on events and advertising for years so congratulations my friend, from all of us at duPont REGISTRY!

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