You Can Buy the DeLorean Hovercraft Right Now

Matt Riese had a dream of creating a DeLorean DMC-12 Hovercraft. This dream was realized after years of designing, construction, testing even a Kickstarter campaign. He debuted the hovercraft by driving it across the McCovey Cove in San Francisco, California during the start of the Giants’ playoff run in 2012. The best part about the debut is that he held up a sign that read: “I’m back from the future. Spoiler alert. The Giants win it all.” Guess who won the World Series that year? The Giants. 

Now, six years after the hovering DeLorean made its debut, Riese is parting ways with his beloved hovercraft. It’s currently listed on eBay with a “Buy It Now” price of $45,000. For that price, you’re getting a working hovercraft that looks just like one of the most iconic American automobiles ever created. He notes that buys the hovercraft will also have direct phone access to him in case the new owner is in need of technical assistance. Check out the video below to see the hovercraft in action for yourself! You can also learn more about the hovercraft by visiting

Featured Image via eBay

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