Pristine, Stock & Original Muscle Cars From The Wendlinger Collection Listed For Sale


Presented by The Wendlinger Collection.

It is not very often that cars of this caliber come up for sale. This car collection, known as The Wendlinger Collection, has been maintained in a high-end, climate-controlled facility since the ’90s. Today is a sampling of a few of these highly restored original muscle cars. Most of the cars in Ron’s collection consists of well-documented, stock, low mileage, high-performance vintage muscle cars.

Whenever you purchase a car from either an auction, a dealer, or a private seller, most of the time there is always uncertainty regarding authenticity, history, and the total integrity of what you are purchasing. These cars are truly the real thing. They look better now than they did when they first hit the dealer’s showroom back in the 60s and 70s. You can almost guarantee the only additional costs you will incur will be registering, insuring, and changing the oil annually.

Some of the best muscle cars on the planet are for sale. “Dreams do come true” this collection is what dreams are made of, be ready to win best of show every time one of these classics is shown. ​ Each car will bring you back to a period when you feel ​like you are sitting at a dealership from the late 60s to​ the early 70s. Nothing better than reliving your youth thru nostalgic memories of your high school and college years​.

1969 ½ Plymouth Roadrunner (A12) 4-Spd

1970 Plymouth Cuda (F-Series) 4-Spd

1969 Oldsmobile 442 W30

1970 Pontiac GTO Judge Ram-Air 3

1968 442 W30 4-Spd

1971 Oldsmobile 442 Convertible

1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 4-Spd

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