World Record Koenigsegg Agera RS Gets Wrapped With Artwork by James Jean

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Source: @jamesjeanart/Instagram

All done for a great cause.

On November 4, 2017, A Koenigsegg Agera RS managed to reach a record-breaking average top speed of 277.9 mph on Nevada State Route 160. This Agera RS actually has a name, Ruthie, and it has actually been given an artistic wrap to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Festival of Children Foundation. This wrap is made from one of James Jean’s paintings titled “Pomegranate”. Jean worked with Wrap Legends to make the new look happen and the results are phenomenal. If you’d like to see the Koenigsegg x James Jean x Ruthie collaboration for yourself, it will be on display at Ghost Squadron at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, California. If you’d like to learn more about the Festival of Children Foundation, click here.

Source: @jamesjeanart/Instagram

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