Lamborghini Centenario Arrives and Revs in London, Causes Chaos

All of this Lamborghini Centenario news is getting out of hand. That being said, I hope it never stops, because this car is so gorgeous. First, we had the United States’ first Centenario delivered, then one delivered in New Jersey, and just recently a yellow model arrived in California. Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, they received their own example of the Lamborghini hypercar.

Delivered to HR Owen Lamborghini London, this Centenario has a exposed carbon fiber body with orange trim. When it arrived via truck, it seemed as though every automotive enthusiast in the city showed up for the spectacle. YouTube Channel LK HORIZON was on-hand for the delivery and recorded a video so we could all experience the madness that came with the car. As an added bonus, the end of the video has a few revs from the new Lamborghini.

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