Cuvée 356: Porsche 70th Anniversary Wine

If you are looking for a wine with perfect balance, Armin Tement has the perfect bottle. The Austrian Vinter is highly respected amongst his peers, using the same land cultivated by his father Manfred. Alexander Baron von Essen is Germany’s most prestigious wine importers, so he recommended Tement to create a unique blend for Porsche’s 70th Anniversary.

Porsche 356 Speedster: Review & Specs

Cuvée 356 is a blend of several varieties that provides an experience far greater than its individual components. The Tement Vinyard is located near Austria’s border with Slovenia, and only 155 miles from the original Porsche 356 workshop in Gmünd. The rolling fertile hills are not unlike Tuscany, just on the other side of the Alps. The soil and climate are perfect for grapes, and the narrow mountain roads enticed Walter Röhrl to attend the announcement.

Visitors to the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart can order their own bottle, which is comprised of 65 percent pinot blanc, 18 percent chardonnay, 12 percent sauvignon blanc, and 5 percent pinot gris. Or, you can order it directly from Baron von Essen in the link below. If you do, please enjoy it responsibly, and stay with us for all your Porsche Anniversary updates.

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