TeslaCam Records Crash, Proves Driver Wrong

One of the greatest things to buy for your car nowadays is a dashcam, as it can come in handy if you ever get into an accident. A perfect example of this is a recent crash that involved a Tesla Model 3. Luckily for Tesla owners, they don’t need to buy a dashcam because they come packing TeslaCam. This built-in dashcam actually came from a software update that allowed owners to capture video through the car’s front-facing camera. Pretty nifty.

As for the crash, it happened Brad King, the owner of a Model 3. He set up his TeslaCam and had footage being saved onto a USB drive. This came in handy because one night he was driving when a Honda Accord with no lights on pulled out in front of him. Unfortunately, King couldn’t brake in time and ended up hitting the car. Luckily, there were no injuries.

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The driver of the Accord had no insurance and a suspended license. As if that wasn’t the worst of it, the driver of the Accord told authorities a different story of what happened, according to Teslarati. This is where the TeslaCam comes in handy. As you can see in the video below, King clearly told the truth. Without this footage, things might have become very messy. Now imagine if you owned something like a Lamborghini Aventador. You’d definitely want the backup from a dashcam if you got into an accident.

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Source: Teslarati

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