CarPro’s CQuartz Finest: Paint Protection for Years

Perfected and coated with CQuartz Finest by Immaculate Reflections.

CarPro’s CQuartz Finest is an evolution in nano-tech ceramic paint protection. In the development process for this product, the finest, high-strength, condensed nano particles with superior cross-linking abilities were designed. They utilized a new proprietary nano material to create an extremely tough 3D structure that provides a durable, super high gloss coating which will protect paint and other automotive surfaces from UVA and UVB rays, dirt, brake dust, iron contaminants, bugs, bird droppings, and more for years after application.

CarPro takes tremendous pride in the amount of research and development they put into their incredible CQuartz Finest Ceramic Coating. During the application process of a Finest installer, CarPro painstakingly reviews each installer individually, ensuring they are capable of providing the highest level of quality, passion and professionalism. In North America only 1 out of every 200 applicants is approved as a Finest installer.

CQuartz Finest is the exclusive flagship ceramic coating offered by CarPro. They are the pioneers of ceramic coatings and nano-tech car care products in the western world, and continue to be a leader in the innovation and improvement of this technology around the world.

The entire CarPro line was designed with CQuartz in mind and CarPro is the only brand on the planet which makes a full line of high-performance maintenance products specifically designed for peak performance, simplicity, and with the end user in mind. They ensure that you will get the most out of your automotive investment.

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