Oakley has launched the new Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP sunglasses, which celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original OVERTHETOPs. It’s a bit of a somber story, because the original pair was created for the 2000 Summer Olympics and these ones are being released during a year when the Olympics have been postponed until 2021. Still, Oakley is celebrating the iconic sunglasses’ anniversary with the new Precious Mettle colorway that consists of aged gold, silver and bronze. Basically, these sunglasses represent the entire podium. Only 20 examples of the Precious Mettle OVERTHETOPs will be created, each with a price tag of $2,000. You can check them out for yourself by clicking the button below.
Oakley has launched the new Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP sunglasses, which celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original OVERTHETOPs. It’s a bit of a somber story, because the original pair was created for the 2000 Summer Olympics and these ones are being released during a year when the Olympics have been postponed until 2021. Still, Oakley is celebrating the iconic sunglasses’ anniversary with the new Precious Mettle colorway that consists of aged gold, silver and bronze. Basically, these sunglasses represent the entire podium. Only 20 examples of the Precious Mettle OVERTHETOPs will be created, each with a price tag of $2,000. You can check them out for yourself by clicking the button below.
Oakley has launched the new Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP sunglasses, which celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original OVERTHETOPs. It’s a bit of a somber story, because the original pair was created for the 2000 Summer Olympics and these ones are being released during a year when the Olympics have been postponed until 2021. Still, Oakley is celebrating the iconic sunglasses’ anniversary with the new Precious Mettle colorway that consists of aged gold, silver and bronze. Basically, these sunglasses represent the entire podium. Only 20 examples of the Precious Mettle OVERTHETOPs will be created, each with a price tag of $2,000. You can check them out for yourself by clicking the button below.
Oakley has launched the new Precious Mettle OVERTHETOP sunglasses, which celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original OVERTHETOPs. It’s a bit of a somber story, because the original pair was created for the 2000 Summer Olympics and these ones are being released during a year when the Olympics have been postponed until 2021. Still, Oakley is celebrating the iconic sunglasses’ anniversary with the new Precious Mettle colorway that consists of aged gold, silver and bronze. Basically, these sunglasses represent the entire podium. Only 20 examples of the Precious Mettle OVERTHETOPs will be created, each with a price tag of $2,000. You can check them out for yourself by clicking the button below.