The Story of Two Wild Bugatti EB110 Race Cars

We’ll save the wild story of the Bugatti EB110 for another day. But here is what you need to know: An Italian Businessman raised some money and bought the rights to Bugatti. Romano Artioli purchased Lotus and Bugatti with notions of injecting them with modern power and styling. He was the first Suzuki Dealer in Italy, and it allowed him to buy an extensive collection of vintage Bugattis.

Everything You Need To Know About the Iconic Bugatti EB110 SS

Encouraged by his friend Ferruccio Lamborghini, he bought the rights and entrusted the body to Marcello Gandini, the man responsible for the Miura, Countach, and the Diablo. With Bugatti having such a deep motorsports history, Mr. Artioli decided to go for broke and aim for LeMans. Two cars were built with endurance racing in mind, and they are the EB110LM and the EB110 SC GTS-1.

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Davide Cironi was considering a film on the EB110 itself when he was contacted by the owner of both race cars. He decided to gather all the people behind the builds together, and it resulted in a story every Bugatti fan will love to see. Of course, this is in Italian, so unless you are fluent, the English closed captioning is on-point. If you have been bitten by the Bugatti bug, click the link below to find yours and stay with us for all your Bugatti updates.

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