Update 3/1/2017 – Well, guys, it looks like the video has been taken down. If another one comes online, I’ll be sure to switch it out.
2004-2006 Ford GT Prices, Specs & Review
When you’re looking to go up to 200 mph, there is always a chance that something catastrophic will happen. Most cars aren’t meant to go anywhere near that speeds, while some are created with that rate of speed in mind. Originally, the Ford GT was released in 2005 with a top speed of around 205 mph. With this high top speed, it’s safe to say Ford wasn’t expecting too many owners to really hit that rate of speed. That being said, there are always a few that will reach for the stars.
Related – Ford GT’s Power Finally Revealed, Becomes Fastest Production Ford Ever
At the recent Shifts3ctor California Airstrip Attack, a Ford GT driver was looking to reach 200 mph. This specific GT is referred to as “Black Mamba” and is actually a 1,500 bhp twin-turbo monster. Unfortunately, during one of his runs, he lost control and spun off of the track. During his spin out, the car smashed into a few objects, leaving the car damaged. Thankfully, the driver was uninjured. You can check out the spinout in the video below. Skip to 3:31 for the actual incident.