Ouch: Bugatti Chiron and Veyron Scratch Their Lips On Their Way Out

One of the worst feelings is when you’re driving over a speed bump or out onto the street and you hear the awful grinding noise of your car’s front lip scratching the pavement. Is that just the piece of plastic scraping against the road, or is it the front bumper itself? Do you keep going or do you back up before it gets worse? This situation is always a bad one. And don’t get me starting about driving too far over a parking space bumper…

Now, imagine that the car you’re scraping up against the pavement is a Bugatti Veyron or Chiron? I can personally tell you my soul would drop out of my body and out of the car.

G-E Supercars captured both of Bugatti’s latest supercars scraping the concrete at the same exact place. The gasps from the crowd are audible and the cringing is visual. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be any serious damage to either car.

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