Pink Twin-Turbo Lamborghini Huracan 1/2 Mile World Record

Racing tends to be a male dominated sport. That’s why the ladies half-mile speed record needed to be broken. Rising to the challenge was Team OB Prestige, who drove all the way from Quebec. Pike’s Peak Airstrip Attack is a Shift Sector event that took place last month in Colorado. At an altitude of 6,187 feet above sea level, naturally aspirated cars are at a loss due to the lack of oxygen. So that’s why most of the competitors were either turbocharged or supercharged.

OB Prestige is a luxury dealership located in Gatineau, Quebec, and their team runs a 2015 Lamborghini Huracan wrapped in pink chrome vinyl. Power comes from our local heroes at Heffner Performance. The twin-turbo V10 makes more power than most clutches can hold, so it takes a skilled driver to prevent a deep fried transmission. In order to understand how to push a supercar beyond 200 mph, Maude Bouladier took a few practice runs while riding shotgun with OB’s drivers. When the time came, she was hoping to beat the existing record of 205 mph, and she was happy to learn she smashed it by reaching 210 mph. Never missing a top speed event, the 1320Video team was there to capture the action. The results speak for themselves, so if you are a lady in need of speed, we have several new & pre-owned Huracans to choose from. Stay with us for more fast females in action, and all your 1/2 mile racing updates.

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