Stuntman Front Flips Over BMW i8

If you’re a stuntman that can do massive front flips, why wouldn’t you do a front flip over a BMW i8? Well, that’s what this Russian stuntman did.

It looks like a group of friends got together to set up a pretty crazy car stunt in a parking lot. Two guys are in a blue i8, driving towards their stuntman friend that’s running right at them. At the last possible moment, the stuntman leaps into the air and does a front flip right over the BMW sports car. If you look closely, you can see just how close his head was to the rear of the car. If someone jumping over a car looks familiar, that’s probably because you watched Kobe Bryant jump over an Aston Martin back in 2008. You can see the flip for yourself in the video below (skip to 24 minutes for the actual jump.)

Now the question is if you COULD front flip high enough to get over a car, would you do it? I mean, the timing and everything would have to be perfect, otherwise…

Let me know in the comments below!

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