Recently delivered to Pagani Miami was the United States’ first Pagani Huayra BC. This Huayra is not like any supercar that Pagani has created before. In fact, the Italian automaker has called this car their Most technologically advanced one yet.”
Providing power to this new supercar is a twin-turbo V12 engine that has been exclusively developed for Pagani by Mercedes-AMG. This allows the driver to have 750 horsepower and 737 lb-ft of torque on tap at any given moment.
In order to deliver this Huayra, it was put on a pallet, in a box and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. Upon arrival, Brett David (CEO of Pagani Miami, Lamborghini Miami, and Prestige Imports), Emil Garcia and more showed up to unwrap it and take it back to the dealership.Once parked on the showroom floor of Pagani Miami, the dealership threw a party for the new owner of the car in order to celebrate its delivery.
We want to take this time to congratulate the new owner, and thank Emil Garcia for the amazing images and video provided in this article.