In the picturesque city of Boulder, Colorado lies the largest collection of Carroll Shelby’s creations. The Shelby American Collection will be hosting their annual car show and party this year on September 1st, from 3-8 pm. The winner for a new Shelby GT350R will also be drawn at the event.
This year’s honored guests include Carroll’s grandson Aaron Shelby, designer of the Daytona Coupe Peter Brock, Shelby Team Drivers Allen Grant and Tom Yeager, and the President of Shelby American, Gary Patterson. Tickets are $75 each, and the amenities include dinner, an autograph signing, guest speeches, a 60’s band, and an open bar.
If you haven’t seen this collection, be prepared to be awestruck by original Cobras, Mustangs, and Ford GTs. They have been preserved in a race-ready condition in the high altitude and low humidity Northeast of Denver. Click the link below and stay with us for all your Shelby updates.
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