Presented by GAA Classic Cars – In 1969 “The Judge” was introduced as a reasonably priced option to compete with the Plymouth Road Runner. The name was inspired by a comedy routine made popular by comedian Flip Wilson which he borrowed from a burlesque entertainer named Dewey “Pigmeat” Markham. Interesting to learn what inspires the automotive minds when naming their new models. The 1969 advertisements used slogans such as “All rise for the Judge.” Many will rise and take notice of this frame off restored 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge Ram Air III consigned for auction at GAA Classic Cars February 26th. This was 1 of 108 Judge Convertibles built in 1969. The numbers matching 400 CID 366hp V8 L74 Engine is documented and it comes with the PHS documentation as well. This Judge is 1 of only 2 documented in the registry with Expresso Brown paint. See GAA Classic Cars full inventory at