Back in April 2014, Audi started construction on a 129,000 sq-ft painting facility at their plant in Ingolstadt. The massive building officially opened for operation Tuesday, Sept 20. One of the most earth-friendly plant operations in the world, the new shop uses a combination of “air recirculation, dry separation and exhaust air cleaning,” according to a company press release. This, combined with highly efficient workspaces and robot operation means painting each car amounts to 20 percent less in energy consumption.
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Also notable are the employees. The new facility will operate with around 200 employees, all of which are provided ergonomic workspaces. These 200-something employees are joined by a fleet of robots, 98 of the to be exact. The robots will be responsible for painting, cleaning and handling. This equates to nearly one-third of the workforce being automated in the facility.
Massive and highly efficient, the painting plant has the ability to paint upwards of 900 cars per day across three floors. With this highly efficient addition to an already futuristic plant, Audi is further cementing their commitment to building the factories of tomorrow.
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