Discover The Bisimoto Electric Porsche 935 Long Tail Replica “Moby X”

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The automotive world is best described as timeless. It celebrates the newest record-breaking vehicles to roll off production floors while applauding the original cars that set those same records. The owner of Bisimoto, Bisi Ezerioha, takes this thought to a level only auto driven engineer could, by applying the newest performance technology and design to the original Porsche models that made us all enthusiasts. Bisimoto’s newest project features a replica Porsche 935L build named Moby X. The build team consists of ACRONYM designer and co-founder Errolson Hugh and concept design artist Khyzyl Saleem. The Porsche 935 will be powered by a fully electric motor, announced on Errolson’s Instagram, adding a sense of future technology to the vintage platform. The longtail design is meant to pay homage to the Porsche 935 Moby Dick racecar, commonly seen attack tracks throughout the 1970s. Each individual presents their expertise throughout the build, making the Moby X Porsche 935 the perfect collaboration project. Porsche Moby X is the best example of balancing between the beginning and future of motorsports. Check back in for more information on the Porsche 935 Moby X build.

For more Porsche news, Check out EveryDrive Carry: Packed Up Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo

Image Source: @bisimoto/Instagram

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