Science has proven that a Mediterranean diet is one key to longevity. Nowhere is this more evident than on the island of Sardinia. Surrounded by beautiful landscapes and separated from mainland Europe, Sardinians are removed from the stresses and contaminants of modern society. In an effort to unlock how so many natives pass the century mark, Photographer Luigi Corda set out to capture the stories of the 100+ year-olds. It is the final story in the current issue of Porsche 911 Magazine: Time Travel in a Speedster.
Having the opportunity to drive Speedsters of several generations, they are guaranteed to make you feel young again. It is a 4.0L, six-speed masterpiece. Your feet have 3 pedals to choose from, with 502 horsepower and 346 lb-ft of torque. They are a limited series and destined to be the centerpiece of any 911 collection. So click the button below and find yours before they’re all gone.