When shopping for a new car, there is one thing that can sometimes be just as important as the make and model you decide on: color. Fortunately, and unfortunately, cars can come in just about every color which can make your car buying experience more time consuming that expected. But now, we’ve decided to pull the opinion from our fans to decide the color of an English supercar.
Taggart is teaming up with the duPont REGISTRY and inviting you to help them choose the new wrap for this stunning McLaren MP4-12C. They’ve narrowed the selection down to seven options, and now you get to help pick the final one. We’re taking a poll for Taggart to see which option you like best.
Here are the options:
1. Matte Dark Gray
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2. White Cotton Fiber
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3. Conform Chrome Gold
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4. Matte Royal Purple
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5. Matte Riviera Blue
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6. Satin Apple Green
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7. Matte Black
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