On January 22, 2021, Elon Musk tweeted out to his followers and asked if they would want to play The Witcher game on their Teslas. The response was a resounding yes. Now, Tesla’s website shows ‘The Witcher 3′ game in their photo of their models’ cinematic display. It doesn’t come to me as a surprise that Tesla’s computer can handle the graphically-intensive game considering the CPU has 10 teraflops of processing power. Another note that should be made is that Teslas can also connect to wireless controllers, so you can lean back and enjoy the story of Geralt. At this point, Teslas are becoming full-blown gaming systems and I’m all-in for it. What’s next? How about they turn the windshield and windows into monitors and make Teslas full-size racing simulators?
Source: Tesla.com