Kansas is known for rapidly changing weather. When cold Canadian fronts meet humidity from the Gulf, the 2021 Beechcraft King Air 260 is everything you need. Not long ago, our friends at Textron Aviation unveiled the King Air 360. As the flagship of the Beechcraft lineup, it debuted with the latest in cabin pressurization, electronics, and luxury amenities. But for those of us who don’t need to transport an entire boardroom, the new 260 easily handles 9 passengers.
Starting with comfort, the Collins Multi-Scan RTA-4112 weather radar can spot potentially dangerous storm conditions over the horizon. As this allows the pilot to anticipate changes in altitude, the digitized pressurization system works in the background to offer an atmosphere lower than any commercial flight. Configured for IS&S ThrustSense® Autothrottle, every event from takeoff to landing is optimized for fuel economy, noise abatement, and a smooth ride. No details were overlooked, as every seat was mapped to reduce pressure points over a journey of 1,720 nautical miles. We are on the verge of a renaissance in private aviation, and Beechcraft is leading the way. Stay with us for all your Textron Aviation updates.