Orbita Avanti 6 Watchwinder
Nearly 20 years old, family owned and operated, and made in America, Orbita is a brand built on quality, top technology and value. The company’s innovative designs and proprietary developments in watch winders set it apart from others. Easily one of the brand’s best-selling watch winders is the Avanti Series that can grow as your watch collection grows (versions include 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48 piece boxes). The Avanti 6 Watchwinder – offered in Rotorwind or Programmable versions – is designed to wind six watches and has two drawers for additional storage. The stunning box is created using exotic Macassar wood veneer and genuine carbon fiber trim – resulting in an impressive cabinet that will retain a great look forever. Each of the six winders is individually programmable.
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$4,995 | 1.800.800.4436 | www.Orbita.com
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Orbita Avanti 48 Watchwinder
Standing tall and beautiful as a grand piece of furniture, the luxurious Avanti 48 makes you want to buy more watches. The modular cabinet series is totally customizable to your lifestyle and watch collection – offering an array of choices including winders, biometric safes, pen storage, digital atomic clock, jewelry case and coin displays. Making the cabinet even more alluring is the fact that it has a tempered glass door so your watches are always on display. The door, with invisible Soss brand hinges, is naturally fitted with a concealed lock. The cabinet features carbon fiber trim, and side panels constructed of exotic Brazilian rosewood with a high-gloss finish. The pedestal base is weighted to provide stability. While the cabinet is available in three heights, depending on the number of modules one selects, the most dramatic of all is the Avanti 48 Watchwinder, measuring 65 inches tall.
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$49,995 | 1.800.800.4436 | www.Orbita.com
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